About the Delaware Chapter


The Delaware Chapter is a chartered chapter of the Military Order of the World Wars. We seek and welcome all who support patriot education, the honoring of service members, veterans and first responders, and the establishment and maintenance of memorials. For names and contact information click on "Command and Staff" in the Menu. 

Chapter meetings are normally held at the Delaware Military Museum located at First Regiment Road, Wilmington, DE. Meetings are in typically in the months of August, October, January, April and June. Times may vary. The agenda includes: fellowship, lunch, a short business meeting, and a guest speaker. Speakers provide interesting and informative presentations on subjects of patriotic education; military and US history; civic and world events. The Chapter members and guests gather for a Holiday party in December and a picnic and/or field trip in the summer.  

The Chapter provides awards to Junior and Senior ROTC, Civil Air Patrol Cadets, Sea Cadets, Scouts, and persons who have performed noteworthy civic deeds that are in accord with the Orders Preamble. Focus areas also include veteran outreach, youth leadership and patriotic education, establishment and support of memorials, and promotion of law and order.  We also endeavor to partner with and provide mutual support to other organizations with similar interests . 

.For questions call Carl Witte at 610-742-0560.