The Delaware MOWW is providing support to Troubadour Ministries by networking, assisting with donations and helping to get the word out.
The founder and CEO is Pastor Ray Seemans. He was awarded the Silver Patrick Henry medallion for his dedication to service to veterans. In the last 15 months he has located and found homes (furnished) for 83 veterans. Troubadour Ministry provides a supportive environment to Veterans as they transition from government housing and/or shelters to permanent housing. Their purpose is to create a supportive environment based on Christian values working through the Holy Spirit by providing a helping hand to Veterans in need. Troubadour Ministry is a Wilmington, Delaware based 501c3 tax exempt organization dedicated to serving our military veterans who have found themselves homeless. From the streets, homeless shelters and government programs we will furnish their homes with new or gently used furniture, brand new beds and bedding. Everything from a chair to forks and knives we bring them all the basic human needs most of us take for granted. Then we stay with them to help connect them to jobs, careers, training, school, church etc. Whatever they need, they endeavor to provide.
MOWW Companions or visitors who would like to help support this worthwhile cause contact the Chapter Commander, Carl Witte at 610-742--0560 or He would be glad to discuss ideas and options.
The address of Troubadour Ministries is:
P.O.Box 13201 Wilmington, Delaware 19850 (302) 290-6573